The theme for the competition – ‘Discovering Antarctica’ – can be your own interpretation. It could cover the initial discovery of the continent, modern day discoveries, or discoveries you have made from learning about Antarctic and its wildlife online or on TV
2020 marks 200 years since the discovery of the Antarctic continent. To celebrate, BAT is running a competition for children aged 4 – 17 years old to design an official postage stamp for the British Antarctic Territory (BAT). The design theme is “Discovering Antarctica”. Four lucky winners will have their very own drawings featured on official stamps.The closing date for design entries is 12 May 2020. You will need to create your design on the official entry form and send it in with a consent form, which must be completed by a parent or guardian.
The prize-winners will have their design featured in the “Discovering Antarctica” issue of stamps for the British Antarctic Territory. Each winner will also be presented with a framed copy of the First Day Cover (featuring all of the winning stamps) together with two unframed First Day Covers and a certificate from the Commissioner of the British Antarctic Territory. Winners and runners up will also have their designs put on display. There will be four winning designs, one from each of the following age categories:
4-6 years
7-9 years
10-13 years
14-17 years
Address for sending entries : Stamp Competition, British Antarctic Territory, W2.80, Overseas Territories Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London SW1A 2AH.
Designs from outside the UK can be considered however, they would need to be received before the closing date.
For more information