Partisans of Lithuania

The postage stamps depicts 4 partisans from 8 who have signed the Lithuanian Partisans Declaration of February 16, 1949. They are Petras Bartkus-Žadgaila, Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas, Bronius Liesys-Naktis and Leonardas Vilhelmas Grigonis-Užpalis.
Issue Date:17.02.2021 Designer:A. Ratkeviciene Printer:“Baltijas Banknote SIA”, Latvia. Process:Offset Size:30×37,5 mm
Birute Marija Alseikaite-Gimbutiene

B. M. Alseikaitė-Gimbutienė was most famous for her new approach to archelogy. Traditionally archaeologists only dig and describe their findings, and she began to explain their meaning. It is considered to be the pioneer of Archaeomythology, a field of archaeology that combines archaeology, linguistics, ethnology and theology. It also laid the foundations for a new conception of European prehistory that a peaceful civilization based on artistic creation and intangible values flourished in Neolithic Europe.
Issue Date:17.02.2021 Designer:E. Kulbyte Printer:“Baltijas Banknote SIA”, Latvia. Process:Offset Size:37,5×30 mm
100 Years of Lithuanian State Archives

Archives are a place where a wide variety of documents reflecting the history of the state are stored. Officially, the first state archive in the Republic of Lithuania was established in 1921. October 19 Kaunas is the century of this archive and is commemorated this year. The emergence of the archive determined the regulation of the field of archives at the national level, the formation of the state archive system. Over the centuries, state archives have been reorganized many times, but they have remained custodians and disseminators of the state’s documentary heritage. There are 9 state archives in Lithuania. Documents stored in state archives make up as much as 116 kilometers – as from Vilnius to Kaunas. When visitors often visit archives, they are surprised by what historical documents can be found here: this is the 1922 The Constitution of Lithuania, photographs of the Baltic Way, partisan documents, papal bulls, documents included in the UNESCO World Heritage, the oldest fragment of the preserved document dates back to 1280 – 1300.
Issue Date:17.02.2021 Designer:G. Jaronyte. Process:Offset :37×30 mm
Postcard: 100th Anniversary of Vytautas the Great War Museum

Vytautas the Great War Museum is one of the oldest in Lithuania. Its history began in 1919, when the Lithuanian Army was formed after the proclamation of the Act of Independence of Lithuania. Its management decided to establish a War Museum in the then temporary capital Kaunas. The War Museum was opened in February 16, 1921.
Issue Date:17.02.2021 Designer:A. Kuodziute Process:Offset Size:card 147×105 mm