Jainism Philately Group was founded on 15th Feb. 2011 at New Delhi during the International Exhibition INDIPEX-2011 with 50 members from all over the country as well as US and Canada. Mr Sudhir Jain was elected as first national chairman of this organisation.Our membership has now increased to nearly three hundred.These group is formed by the philatelists collecting on Jainism and allied themes like nonviolence and vegetarianism. Apart from this, JPG Pune Chapter and JPG Mumbai Chapter are also doing well. We are regularly in touch with all the members through what’sapp, SMS, e-mail, telephone, circulars etc. Many of our members have developed exhibits on JAINISM and other related allied themes and won medals in various exhibitions up to international level. Some of our members were instrumental in release of stamps / special covers / special cancellations / maxim cards / stamp booklet as well as pictorial cancellations etc. on Jainism theme.At present this is the only group in Indian philatelic scenario working on development of a particular theme with full enthusiasm.
During 5 th national meet in Mumbai National Meet on 20th Dec. 2019 Dr Pradeep Jain of Balod (CG) was elected as national chairman of JPG. During his leadership group has launched their website http://www.jainismphilagroup.com with detailed information about activities of this group.Even during lockdown various activities were organised online to fulfil the philatelic appetite of their members. Till date about 52 stamps has been released from India, Germany,Congo and Nepal and mire than 300 special covers and so many pictorial cancellation which provides ample opportunity to collectors. On every Sunday evening a virtual show is performed by all members on a given stamp on JAINISM.