Cartophilately is the collection of postage stamps which display maps. Stamp collectors are quite similar to map collectors, in that some are generalists and collect anything and everything, while others choose to specialize in certain areas or certain themes. Cartophilately is one of the more challenging thematic specialities in stamp collecting.

Map of UT Jammu and Kashmir depicted on special cover
Source of Information:The CartoPhilatelic Society (CPS) was founded in 1955 and has become an internationally recognized map stamp study unit with members located across the globe. The Society is affiliated with the American Philatelic Society (APS), the American Topical Association (ATP) and maintains strong ties with our sister society in Germany.

Map of UT Ladakh depicted on a special cover
Society members have an interest in all kinds of maps and cartography as they appear on stamps, letters, and cancellations. Map stamps are the largest group of topical stamps. The interests of the Society and its members cover everything related to maps on stamps – maps, charts, historic maps, tiny and outline maps, globes, etc.The CartoPhilatelic Society was formed to promote the collection and study of stamps relating to maps and cartography. The society’s journal The New CartoPhilatelist is the premier publication for worldwide collectors of maps on stamps, and the website also has much of interest.