Asian Philately Commemorative Stamps Education New Stamps News Philately Philately Exhibition SARC Philately Themes

Gandhi Khadi Stamp :Soon Available at Bureaus For Common Collectors

By Anil Kr Pujara and Dr.Pradeep Jain Mega philatelic event i.e.INDIPEX-2011 had a sensational item for sale. It was release of GANDHI KHADI stamp. For the first time, India Post used Khadi cloth i.e. other than paper for printing the stamp. Though use of other material and not paper is quite common in other countries […]

Articles Asian Philately Discussion First Day Cover News Philately Exhibition Themes

Allahabad 12 Feb.-Revisiting the history

To mark the centenary of the airmail services, the Indian Postal Department along with the Indian Air Force commemorated the first air postal service on the tarmac of Bamrauli Airport, on 12th Feb.2011. The world’s first airmail service took off between Allahabad and Naini on February 18, 1911, with 6500 letters and 40 autograph picture postcards […]

Articles Asian Philately Discussion First Day Cover News Philately Exhibition Themes

Allahabad 12 Feb.-Revisiting the history

To mark the centenary of the airmail services, the Indian Postal Department along with the Indian Air Force commemorated the first air postal service on the tarmac of Bamrauli Airport, on 12th Feb.2011. The world’s first airmail service took off between Allahabad and Naini on February 18, 1911, with 6500 letters and 40 autograph picture postcards […]

Articles Asian Philately Commemorative Stamps Education First Day Cover History Behind a Stamp New Stamps News SARC Philately Stamps Themes

India Post Released New Stamp on Corps of Signals

India Post today released a commemorative stamp on Corps of Signals. The Corps of Signals was raised on 15 Feb 1911 and will be celebrating its centenary on 15 Feb 2011. The journey of hundred years has been a saga of rich heritage, technological excellence, modernisation, brotherhood and pure soldiering.Signals are essentially the NERVES of the […]

Albums Asian Philately Picture Post cards Themes

Picture Postcards on 600 Years of Ahmedabad

By-Anil Kr. Pujara On 26.2.10 Chief Post Master General, Gujarat Circle,Ahmedabad had issued 750 Picture Post Cards on the occasion of 600 years of Ahmedabad  with a beautiful special heritage assets cancellation on 600 years of Ahmedabad. These picture post cards were of 10 different varieties carrying pictures of 10 different Historical Assets of Ahmedabad. The […]