The New Place Du Casino

Following several months of construction work, Place du Casino is finally unveiling its new look. A modern, open space, which has been completely redesigned to ensure visitors’ enjoyment and comfort. The esplanade offers a clear view of the sumptuous Belle Epoque buildings of the Casino de Monte-Carlo, Hotel de Paris and Café de Paris. The square has rediscovered the style it had when it was created in 1850. Anish Kapoor’s mirror, a vital embellishment of the old square, retains its place at the centre of the esplanade. The sculpture is surrounded by palm trees and a circular fountain designed to form a true little oasis.
Issue Date:14.09.2020 Designer:Marie-Christine LEMAYEUR ana Bernara ALUNNI Process:Offset Size:40,8d x 30 mm horizontal
300th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Honore III

This year, Monaco is celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of Prince Honoré III (1720—1795). With an educated and contemporary out- look, and receptive to Enlightenment thinking, Honoré III reigned for 60 years (1733—1793), the longest reign of all Monegasque sovereigns. He distinguished himself through a brilliant m tary career in the armies of Louis XV, and was promoted to general officer class in the French army, with the rank of moréchal de camp. An important French aristocrat (he inherited the title Duke of Valentinois from his father, Jacques de Goyon-Matignon), Prince Honoré III showed a great sense of humanity, which helped him to escape the guillotine during the Terror of the French Revolution, having been stripped of the Principality of Monaco, Menton and Roquebrune by the National Convention.
Issue Date:14.09.2020 Designer:Sophie BEAUJARD Process:Steel-Engraving Colours:4 Colours Size:60 x 40,8d mm horizontal