Moving to offer cashless services, pick-up services for mail and delivering cash at the doorsteps of senior citizens… by launching three new services across the State, India Post’s Karnataka Postal Circle hopes to come closer to its customers.
CADDS: Cash Delivery at the Doorstep:Soon, senior citizens who are account holders will able to get the postal staff to deliver the cash drawn from their accounts to their home. They just have to call the post office, inform the postal staff the account number and the amount to be withdrawn and follow it up with en email. All the calls will be recorded. The maximum amount that can be drawn is Rs. 20,000, while the transaction fee will be Rs. 20. Customers who wish to avail the service will have to register by paying one-time fee of Rs. 100.
Turant seva:In a fortnight, the Karnataka Postal Circle will launch ‘Turant Seva’ where in payment for 26 different kinds of counter service, such as sale of postage stamps, postal stationery, booking of registered, speed post, money orders etc., can be made through debit/ credit cards of any bank. Talks are already on with the State Bank of India.
Pick post:The other service that is likely to be launched shortly is “Pick Post”. Citizens can send an email to the post office or call the designated telephone number with a request for mail to be picked up from their office/ home. The nearest post office will be notified for the pickup.
B.V. Sudhakar, Chief Postmaster General, told reporters here that the endeavour is to offer a variety of postal services that are economical, effective, efficient and productive.(The Hindu)