By Suresh Rao

Sri Kottala Basaveshwara Bharatiya Shikshana Samiti,Sedam
Sri Kottala Basaveshwara Bharatiya Shikshana Samiti, Sedam was established in 1974 by Sri Poojya Madivalayya Swamiji in Sedam of Kalaburagi. This Samiti led by Sri Basavaraj Patll Sedam has been working from the past four decades and strives to impart quality education to the children identifying their strengths, make them self repent and contribute for nation building. KTK/132/2019

Sri Kottala Basaveshwara Temple,Sedam
Sri Kottala Basaveshwara Temple is situated in Sedam of Kalaburagi district. It is a historical place of worship which was rediscovered by Poojya Sri Sappannarya Shivayogi Swamiji. Later Poojya Sri Madivalayya Swamiji enlightened and enriched the lives of many devotees. The present pontiff Poojya Sri Sadashiva Swamiji is carrying forward this tradition. KTK/133/2019