Tršić – Tronoša Cultural Area:It is located on the territory of 1802,57 ha. Natural features of the area are comprised of well-preserved complexes of autochthonous oak and other forests, while 83 of 145 plant and animal species are protected, and 62 belong to the category of strictly protected. Coastal area of watercourses is amphibian and reptiles habitat, with 11 protected species. Bird fauna consists of Middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius), Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) and Ortolan (Emberiza hortulana), which stands out as the species of international significance.
Vardenik – Strešer:It is located in the southeastern Serbia, within the region of Vlasina and Krajište, and it consists of Vardenik mountain with its highest peak Veliki Strešer (1876 m). The relief of Vardenik mountain was created in a long time period under the influence of complex geological and geomorphological processes. The flora of the region is characterized by great biological diversity with a total of 414 plant species. This small region is inhabited by 12,3% of Serbian total flora, with 10% of endemic taxons.
Date of Release:20th March 2020