Annai VailankanniShrine is situated in Chennai.The famous chapel dedicated to the Annai Vailankanni Our Lady of Good Health, Besant Nagar.This was originally built in 1972. The upper portion of the walls is covered with paintings on the Apparitions of Our Lady of good Health. This was expanded in September 2000. Hundreds of devotees visit this Shrine daily. Visitors queue up in prayers to touch the feet of the Holy Mothers statue. Devotees offer flowers, candles and garlands as a respect to the Holy Mother. Mother Mary’s Square was constructed in the year 2003 with the intention of visually presenting the four apparitions of Blessed Virgin Mary recognized by the Catholic Church. They are as follows:1.Our Lady of Guadalupe (1531)
2.Our Lady of La Salette (1846)
3.Our Lady of Lourdes (1858)
- Our Lady of Fatima (1917)
People come here to recollect the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and pay homage in the devotion to Our Mother.