30c – Fou (Hibiscus tiliaceus):The fou is one of the most commonly found trees in Niue, with bright yellow hibiscus flowers that turn red with age. The fou has several useful elements that are utilised in Niue. The bark of the fou contains strong fibres, making it ideal for creating cordage and fashioning into ceremonial clothing. The wood of the fou is used in various aspects of creating canoes.
$1.40 – Pua (Fagraea berteroana):This appealing tree is loved for its striking white flowers,which become yellow over time.The flower also has a sweet scent, making it popular as a hair accessory for women.The pua’s timber is highly valued for making tools and furnishings.
$2.00 – Toi (Alphitonia zizyphoides):The toi is indigenous from South-east Asia to the Society Islands. Its wood is highly valued for use in furnishings because of its attractive grain. The bark and bark sap are used in traditional medicines for various diseases and ailments.
$4.00 – Si (Cordyline fruticosa):The si are tall, leafy, evergreen plants found in Niue, with little yellow-red flowers that grow into bright red berries. The leaves of the si were traditionally used to fashion skirts and kilts. They are still used for this purpose nowadays, but the items are worn for ceremonial and performance purposes rather than as everyday clothing.