DAKSA:A small island of Daksa is the furthest east situated island of the Elaphite Islands, 400 metres air distance from the hotel resort Babin kuk, and 2 nautical miles from the harbour of Dubrovnik- Gruž. Covered by Mediterranean vegetation it is 580 metres long and, 100 – 180 metres wide. The highest point of the island is 24 metres above sea level. The remains of the lighthouse building on Daksa, at its western coast, evidence that here one of the smallest lighthouses of the Adriatic had been built. By the last will of Sabin Getaldić – a nobleman from Dubrovnik who financed the building of the church and the monastery on Daksa which was his property, he left it in 1281 to the church.
GREBENI:South of the island of Daksa in the semi-circle formation there are rocks of Grebeni. From the furthest east in the row to the coast there stretches for navigating very dangerous shelf break. Therefore has this location been chosen to build the lighthouse. On the largest rock by its surface in 1872 a lighthouse was built. The building ran parallel with the building of the lighthouse on Daksa. The lighthouse Grebeni by its light range which is visible from the distance of 10 nautical miles marks the navigation route to the coastal light at the promontory Bezdanj on the island of Koločep. The lighthouse has been totally renewed and is used today in tourist purposes.
SVETI ANDRIJA (St. Andrew) :The southernmost island of the Elaphites group is 400 metres long and in the widest part 80 metres wide, situated 6 nautical miles away from Dubrovnik. Closest to it is Lopud – two miles away. Thickly covered with evergreen trees it has steep coast that only on the west side more descends more gently toward the sea. The south coast steeply dives into sea abysses, some more than 120 metres deep. The island has been proclaimed an ornithological reserve since there dwell flocks of many migratory birds. The lighthouse was built in 1873 at the highest island plateau and the light beam is visible from the distance of 12 nautical miles.
GLAVAT :The light of the lighthouse Glavat with the range of 22 nautical miles marks the eastern rim of the Lastovo Archipelago. Near the island with the same name there are about twenty islets, rocks and shallows – all reasons why the Austro -Hungarian Monarchy built here a lighthouse. From the shore of Lastovo the islet is 9 and from Korčula 12 nautical miles away.
Issue Date: 10.06.2015 Designer: Orsat Franković, designer from Zagreb Illustrator: Photographers: Andrija Carli (Daksa, Glavat), Damir Fabijanić (Sveti Andrija), Mario Romulić (Grebeni) Printer: AKD d.o.o., Zagreb Process: Multicolor Offset Printing Colours: 4 Colours Size: 48.28 x 29.82 mm Values: 2.80 HRK – Daksa 3.10 HRK – Glavat 4.60 HRK – Grebeni 6.50 HRK – Sveti Andrija