By Abishek Jalan
An Interesting collection on Airmail was recently found in possession of Mr. M. Gulrez.He is a prominent stamp collector residing in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh and received Graduate degree in Science from Allahabad University.
He works as Publicity Director in Film Industry. The collection shows creativity to its use and gives a whole new type of collection which can be viewed as a masterpiece of its own kind. A simple cover released on Airmail is used in number of ways which can be only be done by a true philatelist.
He has a number of First Day Covers, Postcards and Folder belonging to 50th, 75th and 100 years of Airmail in India. His collection displays a variety of signed FDC’s, and other items of philately interest. They can be best admired when seen and its beauty cannot be captured by words alone.