Freemasonry is a fraternal society the origins of which go back in time to the very cradle of humanity. Its efforts, directed toward perfecting the human being, are underpinned by the belief that love makes one a better, more enlightened, more just and more tolerant person, and a more useful member of society. The Romanian Freemasonry has a long history, its beginnings being close to the establishment of the first Grand Lodge in London and Westminster (June 24th, 1717). In 1732, in Galati, the Loggia di Galazzi was founded, having as Venerable Master Prince Scarlat Ghica. In 1735 another Lodge was established in Iasi, the Venerable Master being Prince Constantin Mavrocordat. Masonic lodges were founded throughout the Romanian space, better known being the lodges St. Andreas zu den drei Seeblättern of Sibiu (1767) and Zu den drei Säulen of Brasov (1749). For a long time, great personalities of the Romanian history were initiated in masonry not only in the country but also in Obediences from abroad, among them counting I.C. Bratianu, C.A. Rosetti, Nicolae Balcescu, I.T. Ulic, Traian Mosoiu, Octavian Goga, Alexandru Vaida Voevod, Traian Vuia and many others.
The acquisition of the State independence of Romania in the war of 1877-1878 enhanced the actions in the masonic plan for the founding of a large Sovereign Obedience, since in the country a large number of lodges operated, under the Obediences of the Grand Orient of France, the Grand Orient of Lusitania or the Grand Orient of Italy. A first attempt was made on June 1st, 1859, I. C. Bratianu being considered Grand Master of the “Danube Star Grand Lodge”, and for 1861, with Ion Heliade Radulescu as Grand Master.
The official establishment of the National Grand Lodge of Romania took place on September 8th, 1880. Constantin Moroiu (1837-1918), an officer in the rank of captain, a participant in the War for the Independence of Romania and a very active philatelist, was elected Grand Master. Constantin Moroiu was initiated into the Sage of Heliopolis Lodge on June 9th/21st, 1874. On September 8th, 1880, he established the National Grand Lodge of Romania, with the contribution of the Brothers from the Danube Star, Ilfov Lodges and the Danube Star Capitulum. In 1881, he founded the Supreme Council of Primitive Ancient Rite of Memphis and the Supreme Council for Romania, and on November 22nd, 1882, the Grand Royal Arch Chapter. Between 1884 and 1886, Moroiu researched documents regarding the origin of Freemasonry in Romania, in the Italian archives in Florence, Naples and Venice. He established links with the Supreme Councils of Europe, was a Guarantor of friendship for many Grand Lodges and Supreme Councils, Grand Master of Honour of the Supreme Grand Council of several countries in Europe and America. In 1904, he participated in the Masonic Congress in Brussels. Until 1911, Constantin Moroiu has been the Grand Master and Sovereign Grand Commander, then dividing into two sections the Grand Lodge, remaining “Sovereign Pontiff”.
Forced to freeze operations in 1937, then in 1948, the National Grand Lodge of Romania resumed the Lights at the Convent on January 24th, 1993, held in the Hall of Mirrors, at the Vernescu House, having as Grand Master the Most Respectable Brother Nicu Filip, followed by the Most Respectable Brothers Adrian Dohotaru, Sever Frentiu, Vladimir Boanta, Gheorghe Comanescu, Ovidiu Chirovici, and since 2010, the Most Respectable Brother Radu N. Balănescu, recognized and respected in the world masonry, where he held the position of Chairman of the World Conference of Grand Regular Lodges, subsequently being awarded the title of its Honorary President Ad Vitam.
The postage stamp with the face value of Lei 1.80 presents as central element the Bible, around which Masonic symbols are represented.
On the postage stamp with the face value of Lei 20.50 lei illustrated the portrait of the First Grand Master, Constantin Moroiu, along with Masonic symbols.
On the perforated souvenir sheet of the issue with the face value of Lei 29, the following elements are graphically represented: the address signed by Constantin Moroiu from the National Grand Lodge of Romania regarding the delegation of Pericle Paltineanu to attend the Coronation Feast of May 10th, 1881, of King Carol I, the logo of the National Grand Lodge of Romania, alongside of Masonic symbols, the lit candle being also represented on the stamps, as unitary element.
Issue Date:03.04.2020 Designer:Mihail Vămășescu Process:Offset Colours:4 Colours Size:Stamp size: 48 x 33 mm; Minisheet of 5 stamps + 1 label: 120 x 113 mm; Perforated souvenir sheet: 125 x 130 mm (stamp size: 33×48 mm)