Centenary Museums
This stamp issue accompanies the release of the second volume of Portugal’s Centenary Museums, which covers the twelve institutions established between 1905 and 1918. The stamps depicts National Coach Museum, National Museum of Contemporary Art , Machado de Castro National Museum, Father Manuel do Cenáculo National Museum, Grão Vasco National Museum, monographic museum , Bordalo Pinheiro Museum , Lamego Museum and Diogo de Sousa Archaeological Museum.
Issue Date:31.03.2020 Designer:AF Atelier Printer:bpost Philately & Stamps Printing Process:Offset Size:40 x 30,6 mm
Personalized Stamps

DC Comics:Joker
Issue Date:31.03.2020

DC Comics -: Harley Quinn
Issue Date:28.03.2020

Franking Labels : Foundling Tokens Santa Casa Da Misericordia de Lisboa – Token of João da Cruz
From the 16th century on, many children were left in the care of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa. Parents would place newborns in the Foundling Wheel, along with identifying marks so that they could later claim them back – these objects were known as the Foundling Tokens. These tokens are mostly composed of a written note, usually on paper, on which the parent, or someone else on the parent’s behalf, noted information considered necessary or useful about the child.
Issue Date:27.03.2020 Designer:Atelier Design & etc / Hélder Soares Printer:Copidata, S.A.Process:Offset Size:55×30 mm